A Divine Appointment!

Every Child. Every Nation. Every Day.

The mighty hand of God

As I have been preparing for our “Hearts for His Harvest” banquet in June I have been moved to tears many times reflecting on everything that God has done in the last year. We serve a MIGHTY GOD! I think about what John said in his gospel that if he recorded everything that Jesus did in His earthly ministry the world could not contain the books. Your inbox, dear friends, could not contain all that God has done this year! I cannot wait to share everything with you all at our fundraising banquet. We are going to have a wonderful time praising our God! Please make plans to attend on June 8th from Noon-2:00 PM.

RSVP to:

[email protected]

A Divine Appointment

Eva and Daniel shouldn’t have even been there! An accident the night before had meant an ER visit in the morning to find the cause of pain in Eva’s foot. This meant that these two neighborhood kids were home from school on Wednesday. They live in the same neighborhood as some of our CEF volunteers; the same neighborhood where there is a weekly Good News Club. Most weeks Eva and Daniel cannot attend the club because they are at after-school care, but they frequently drop by the Williams’ home in the evening to get a quiet time sheet, work on the memory verse, and get the weekly prize. The Williams have had a prayerful and purposeful presence in their neighborhood for 3 years, and the children and youth know it is a place where they can learn about God. Eva and Daniel saw Dan out working on his lawn, and since they weren’t in  school they went over and asked if they could practice their memory verse. The verse was Romans 1:16, and it naturally led to a bad news-good news conversation about sin and salvation. Both Eva and Daniel said that they would like to pray to ask God to forgive their sins and give them new life in Christ! Dan prayed with them and gave them Bibles. Later that day, they got to come back to actually attend Good News Club, and it happened to be a day when I had scheduled a visit to this club. You could see the joy and excitement on both these precious children’s faces! They knew the power of God for salvation! Pray that God will continue to work in their hearts and lives, and pray for this neighborhood club as they continue to be a faithful witness to their nearest and dearest. Praise the Lord for his divine appointments!

 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 

Romans 1:16


The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.

Lamentations 3:25

The long wait.

“It feels a bit like a pregnancy!” This comment came from one of my volunteers about her long wait to get a Good News Club at her school, and it struck me. God loves to teach us through the waiting. We learn to trust in His sovereign hand, we learn to pray fervently and with expectation, we learn hope even without answers. And in God’s perfect timing- he works! We are so thrilled that after months of prayer and waiting we are seeing the launch of our first Good News Club in Santa Cruz since 2020! God has provided the team, the permissions, and everything needed! Sometimes the wait makes the fulfillment that much more powerful, and God has provided more than we need, with a host of college students from UCSC who are excited to help out. Training these college students and laying the foundation for service, evangelism and a valuing of the next generation was an honor and a delight. Please pray for our Westlake club, pray especially that students would register and come through the month of May!

Thank you for reading!

Kjierstin Beck and Amy Gilbert

Nothing will stop God from reaching His children with the Gospel!

Join us in praising Him for what he has done and praying for the ministry to continue to grow.

If you wish to make a donation to support CEF NorCal Central Coast in bringing the Gospel to more kids this year, click the button below.

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